Look at it from a different perspective; empty glass containers can be beautiful vases, a wall is a canvas. Not quite like the mythical Babylonian counterparts, but we have no photographic evidence of those, so...
This morning the sky was overcast, and a light rain has been consistently falling all night so I decided not to go to Stonehenge or Avebury to welcome the sun on the longest day of the year. Instead, I got up at 4am and had a breakfast celebration with coffee, eggs, toast, beetroot juice and paper lanterns on my little balcony overlooking the garden.
Today someone asked the Dalai Lama for advice on something that we all can do every day, whichever Divinity we believe in, whatever Faith we profess. His Holiness said " if you have the opportunity to do someone a service, take that chance and do it. If the day doesn't bring you the chance to help someone, at least don't harm". I turned around to see what people's reaction was and most of them were nodding and smiling. Let's all keep nodding and smiling, helping and not harming. What a wonderful day I had.
Today my fellow White Belt and friend Angela taught a couple of tracks in my class; it was fun. And for me it was important to remember that fun is the main thing; I want students to get as much as they can from the class, and I can get lost in the technique rather than the joy. It doesn't happen often but I have to pull myself back from the "are they following this step? Are the falling back on the ball of the foot?" and get stuck in with the carefree joy that comes from being a sensation scientist. I enjoyed myself, Angela enjoyed herself, and the class felt it. I love it when that happens. Whatever you sense gets passed on, and fun will be in my list of sensations to project, for sure.
Sometimes I really crave a cup of coffee (with soy milk, which froths like there is no tomorrow in Frothland). Check out the Queen-themed chocolate decoration, it was a shame to spoil the pattern (did it anyway).
I had the chance to audit some sessions of my White Belt training, and it felt so good. Coming home with new pieces and a deeper knowledge of the same principles has really energised me. Despite the crazy muscle ache.